2022 Predictions & Trends: Cindy Fiedelman

Chief Human Resources Officer

How are you planning for 2022 and what are your priorities?

A lot of what has been established in 2021 will carry over into 2022. The biggest shift will be moving to a hybrid work environment as we formally start to reopen our offices.

Although some of our colleagues have already started going back into the office, we are working on creating the perfect hybrid work environment, which includes offering colleagues the flexibility to adjust their work schedule to fit in with their personal lives. The current conditions bring different challenges based on culture and work environment. For example, we have a mixture of colleagues required to be physically present at our data centers, and those with the flexibility to work virtually.

We are also dealing with the industry-wide challenge of finding great talent. As a result, we’re making it a priority to deploy the cutting-edge hiring and recruitment tools that can allow us to respond to our fast pace of growth. We want to boost our capabilities to operate more in real time, as opposed to having candidates go through multiple interviews and feedback sessions, as was the norm in the past.

What do you predict will be the key challenges or growth areas for 2022?

Implementing tools that can automate time-consuming manual processes and to free up employees for higher-value work is high on our agenda. The goal is to encourage our colleagues to be self-starters who are less dependent on management direction and empowered to optimize the automated processes available to them.

With technology quickly evolving, many such tools are available through apps on mobile devices. The challenge is to get ahead of the automation curve while so many companies are still dependent on manual processes.