What is the current state of the data center market in your region?

Over the past decade in particular, we’ve seen a massive increase in both demand and supply thanks to the phenomenal data boom and the number of centers needed to support it. We’re also starting to see innovation in ways data centers can generate their own electricity and accelerate power purchase agreements. Pressure to decarbonize power grids is rising, too. Data centers will need to be a big part of the prosumer model, where they are going to have to take electricity when they need it and give back electricity when they don’t.

What are the key drivers and goals of the data center business in your region? 

It’s simply the evolution of Ireland’s relationship with data over the last few decades. In 2023, ICT and related services are the largest industry for foreign direct investment, followed by pharmaceuticals, life sciences, and finance—all of which are also driven by data. We’re lucky to have over 1,700 international companies that basically act like a bridge into Europe.

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