A happy team after the successful launch event: Christian Reuter, Omar Vega, Vinay Nagpal, Ivo Ivanov, Alexander Boden, Alejandro Rios, Carsten Titt, Pablo Elespuru
WHEN: 6th November 2023 WHERE: Mexico City
WHY: DE-CIX inaugurated its first two Internet Exchanges in Mexico—DE-CIX Mexico City and DE-CIX Queretaro—which are set to transform interconnection in the country. Over 350 guests from the interconnection industry as well as local and international enterprises and organizations attended the event at the Museo Soumaya in Mexico City. DE-CIX Mexico City and DE-CIX Queretaro will initially be hosted in the KIO data centers, with plans for expansion to further data centers in the future. These two IXs are directly connected to each other and to the DE-CIX global ecosystem via DE-CIX Dallas, which allows them to offer reliable and high-speed interconnection platforms for regional ISPs, content and carrier networks, cloud service providers, and businesses, as well as provide low-latency access to North American clouds, content, and applications./im
Alejandro Rios, CTO KIO, and Ivo Ivanov, CEO DE-CIX, launching the new DE-CIX locations in MexicoAlejandro Rios (left, KIO), Omar Vega (middle, DE-CIX) and Ivo Ivanov (right, DE-CIX) welcoming guests on the red carpetIvo Ivanov and Christian Reuter (DE-CIX) with Travis Murdoch (Sonus PR)DE-CIX’s CEO Ivo Ivanov welcoming the guests at the Mexico launch eventAlejando Rios, CTO of Platinum Sponsor KIO, welcoming the guestsDE-CIX’s CEO Ivo Ivanov pleased to see a full launch party in Mexico CityThe launch location Museo Soumaja in Mexico CityIvo Ivanov answering questions of local media during the DE-CIX Mexico launchMore than 350 guests joined DE-CIX at their Mexico launch eventIvo Ivanov, CEO DE-CIX, and InterGlobix CEO Vinay Nagpal on stage during the Mexico launch eventOne of the highlights of the night was the DE-CIX raffleAll guests received a gift after the launch eventThe DE-CIX Mexico launch partyThe launch location Museo Soumaya in Mexico City
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As the Events Coordinator for InterGlobix, Michelle manages communications and participation of InterGlobix at various events across both its businesses—consultancy and publication. She has been an active member of InterGlobix’s Marketing team, supporting the company’s local events and special meetings across the Commonwealth of Virginia.
Michelle is a highly experienced and versatile professional with a diverse background and over twenty years of experience in both government and private sectors. Michelle is the recipient of an award for her work with the Office of Legal Counsel.