DE-CIX Interconnection

Services that make interconnection easy, anywhere.

One of the major enablers of new digital products and business models for the current and future transformation of enterprises is agility. Enterprises need the flexibility to redesign the connectivity for each of their locations and operations in line with their transformation process. DE-CIX is leading the way to modern interconnection, following the needs of modern business. They are approaching this in two ways: firstly, by creating a robust, secure, resilient, and high-performance physical infrastructure, and then by adding flexibility and simplicity through virtualization and automation. Through the DE-CIX access model (one access, multiple services), the self-service portal, and the DE-CXI API, the ease of booking, scaling, and adjusting services simplifies and automates interconnection. Making interconnection easy. Anywhere.

Leading the way in cloud interconnection services

Enterprise customers are looking for a secure and resilient means to access their chosen cloud services, and are discovering the advantages of connecting to clouds via the DE-CIX Cloud Exchange. No matter whether it’s for direct access to hyperscale and specialized clouds through DE-CIX DirectCLOUD, or for using the Microsoft Azure Peering Service (MAPS)—which offers dedicated connectivity to the Microsoft 365 software as a service cloud—a direct connection over the DE-CIX platform offers an enterprise a dedicated infrastructure to consume the services they are using. A multi-cloud strategy using secure and direct connectivity managed via the DE-CIX self-service portal, is an essential foundation for ensuring the fail-safe, dedicated, and flexible management of data in the cloud.

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