Howard Boville, Bank Of America


Would you call Bank Of America a data company? Tell us about some of the data-centric initiatives that your organization has undertaken.

Our CEO, Brian Moynihan, has described Bank of America as “a technology company, wrapped around a great bank.” We embody a mindset of continuous improvement in how we deliver for our customers and simplify for our employees. 9.5 billion interactions are processed on our platforms every month and we look at feedback across all components to continually improve. The work we do is driven by our obsession to offer customers world-class experiences through the use of innovative technology and we use data to provide richer experiences and to create points of innovation.

What was Bank Of America’s incentive to become a Founding Member of the IEIC? Are you one among the firsts in the industry to make such an effort?

It’s a very exciting time to be in technology, especially in the financial services industry. It’s ever-changing and moves at such a rapid pace, but innovation in our area is meaningful as it directly impacts our ability to make our customers’ financial lives better.

We are proud to be a founding member representing the financial services industry and fully support the IEIC’s mission to promote a robust, resilient and diversified Internet infrastructure in order to enable technological innovation. 

What trends do you foresee? Any current ones on your radar that are impacting the (banking and financial) industries?

Banks are increasingly using artificial intelligence to enable better customer interactions. We are using AI to deliver on our promise to make the financial lives of our clients better. One example is in voice recognition, where we are meeting customer needs in real time by integrating voice recognition platforms into our technologies. Last year we launched Erica®, a personal voice and chat-driven intelligent virtual assistant onto our mobile banking app. By automating high-value, low-complexity work, and introducing innovations like AI, we are positioned to enhance customer interactions, reduce risk and cost, as well as provide opportunities for teammates to focus on clients’ more complex needs. 

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