Informal Interaction with Paula Cogan

With your career so intertwined with technology and being “switched on,” how do you unplug and create time and space to be offline outside of working hours?

It’s definitely a delicate balance. As CEO, I always want to be available to my team / customers, should we have an event or an issue that requires close management, so I like to stay pretty close to what’s going on, even when I’m on vacation. I know I’m not alone in that, but we’re all human. There will be times when everyone needs to step out, take a break, and have a digital detox, and I know when it’s time to do that. I enjoy traveling, so I make time to travel with my husband, my family, and my friends. It’s also important to keep myself both physically and mentally fit. Sometimes I don’t feel like it, but after this interview, I’ll be going to the gym to see my personal trainer. You can’t be resilient and run a highly competitive business if you’re not physically and mentally agile! In terms of unplugging, I also listen to podcasts or Audible instead of reading just to give my eyes and brain a rest. I’m very fortunate that I live in the countryside, because breathing fresh air, looking at green hills, and enjoying nature walks are important.

Travelling and quality time with husband Steve – Madeira, July 2023