As dean of a reputed university, how do you maintain a work-life balance?
I married a wonderful man 41 years ago who decided that he not only loved me but he liked me just the way I am. We laugh a lot together. We have adopted a number of children and have enjoyed watching them grow. Now, we are raising three of our grandchildren, plus this year one more child found our home as a safe place to be. That makes an even dozen for me spanning all those years of marriage (the first two are my husband’s biological children). Clearly, I enjoy young people, but I also enjoy dogs. Our home is the castle occupied by six rescue Chihuahuas (well, four Chihuahuas, one PomChi and one Chihuahua/Terrier mix). Working from home during COVID was made much, much better with my canine office support staff! I also am totally spoiled by the people I work with, so life is good.