As the CEO of fast-paced, innovative company, how do you find time to maintain your work-life balance?
A great team allows me to have some work-life balance. For me, I trust my team, allowing it to run as fast as possible, and stay out of the way so I don’t become the bottleneck to driving success. Having an organization with people who believe in the mission gives me peace, which gives me the time to spend at home with the family or taking care of the temple by exercising.

A lot of my answers go back to the the people. By bringing in people who capture the vision, we’ve created a great organizational culture in the last five years, which in turn creates great momentum. When I get updates, I always am delighted to see 99 percent of my questions have been answered because my team already sees what I am trying to achieve. For balance, I try to lead by example, to give people the same respect and quality of life that I would like. I am not teaching them to work 24/7/365. It’s pretty infrequent that I call someone on a weekend, because then I am telling them by my actions as a leader that they need to be on always, which is not healthy.