With your role so focused on bringing together Aligned employees, customers, and the surrounding community, how do you unplug and enjoy “me time” outside of working hours?
I have a five-year-old daughter and a 13-year-old dog, so they keep me busy in taking care of them. Apart from that, I absolutely love to travel. I’ve probably been away from home more than I’ve been home this year, and it’s been great. When I travel, I truly love to do things that’ll enable me to unplug because, as you know, it’s exceedingly hard for all of us to unplug these days. So, I love traveling to the mountains where you can’t be glued to your phone. I particularly love snowboarding. I’ll pop in some headphones, play some music, and just spend 45 minutes or 50 minutes snowboarding down the hill. I’ll also go walking or hiking—like the no-cell-service type of vacations. That’s when I really feel that I can fully unplug.