Given the WfH scenario, how are you balancing your professional and personal life?
Like many others, I have been working from home since March 2020, when our company initiated social distancing safety precautions. At a global company, there are always reasons to be in work mode beyond the typical 8:00-5:00 day, but the pandemic has certainly further blurred the lines between work and home life. Work fatigue is real, and I realized quickly that I would need to set some boundaries and expectations to make sure I didn’t burn out myself or my employees, and this ensures I’m ultimately at my best for my family and for Vertiv. It’s important to shut down the computer and close the office door at a reasonable time and change my focus to my home life. My goal is to ensure each day that I spend time with my wife, cooking and eating together and relaxing. I do my share of chores around the house. I take time for myself, running, walking the dog, reading, binge-watching Devs, and virtually catching up with friends. If I need to log back in for work later in the day or early in the morning, I know that I have also given my undivided attention to my personal life.