Q: Can you please share with our readers how you maintain your work-life balance?
The meaning of work-life balance is unique to everyone. For me it means spending every spare moment with my family. My wife Mana and I have been married 13 years, and we have two lovely children. Our son, Aarav, is ten years old, and our daughter, Riya, is seven years old. To be able to spend as much time together, sometimes my “work-life balance” looks like taking work calls in the car during school pick up and drop off. At other times, it’s about coordinating my time off when my kids have school holidays. I make sure to find the time to go on family bike rides and cheer on my kids at their soccer games and dance recitals. Throughout the years, my work has given our family the privilege to live in Singapore and now in Amsterdam. As a family, we enjoy traveling together—we’ve traveled to over 30 countries together so far—and have been incredibly fortunate to travel often, meet new people, and learn about cultures throughout the world. At the same time, while our kids have become “citizens of the world,” we also want to make sure our kids grow up with knowledge of their homeland and roots, including both our Indian heritage and our American citizenship. All of these special moments with my family give me the work-life balance that I need.