WHY: InterGlobix Magazine partnered with DE-CIX and was delighted to unveil the cover of our special 10th edition in Dubai along with the DE-CIX team as they celebrated their 10th anniversary of UAE-IX, the leading interconnection platform in the Middle East. UAE-IX is a global Internet hub bringing together network operators, content, applications, and cloud services to serve the entire GCC region with resilient and low latency connectivity.
Ivo Ivanov presentationIvo Ivanov with Jasmine BediCarl Roberts, Jasmine BediGuest reading InterGlobix Dubai brochurePanel discussion led by Carl RobertsDr. Saeed AldhaheriUAE-IX special recognition awardsAbou Mustafa and Ivo Ivanov cutting the UAE-IX 10th anniversary cakeIvo Ivanov, Carl Roberts, Christian Reuter, Jasmine BediCarsten Titt, Jasmine BediIvo Ivanov, Hassan Alnaqbi, Vinay NagpalVinay Nagpal, Abou Moustafa, Ivo Ivanov, Jasmine Bedi, Carl Roberts, Christian ReuterInterGlobix Dubai brochuresJasmine Bedi with event guestsHappy 10th Birthday UAE-IXMarco Brandstaetter, Jasmine BediThe special unveiling of Issue 10 of InterGlobix Magazine
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As the Events Coordinator for InterGlobix, Michelle manages communications and participation of InterGlobix at various events across both its businesses—consultancy and publication. She has been an active member of InterGlobix’s Marketing team, supporting the company’s local events and special meetings across the Commonwealth of Virginia.
Michelle is a highly experienced and versatile professional with a diverse background and over twenty years of experience in both government and private sectors. Michelle is the recipient of an award for her work with the Office of Legal Counsel.