CoreSite SV9 Dedication Event

WHEN: 25 April 2024WHERE: Silicon Valley, CaliforniaWHY: CoreSite senior leadership team hosted a special event at their newest and largest event data center SV9 in Silicon Valley. SV9 data center

Netrality’s KC2-7801 Nieman Grand Opening

WHEN: 22 May 2024WHERE: Shawnee, KansasWHY: Netrality Data Centers, the nation’s largest privately held owner and operator of core interconnection facilities, proudly announced the opening of its newest state-of-the-art data

PTC’DC Mid-Year Conference 2024

WHEN: 5-6 September 2024WHERE: Washington, D.C.WHY: PTC’DC was a mid-year conference organized by the Pacific Telecommunications Council, bringing together industry leaders, regulators, and government officials to discuss the evolving landscape