Issue 3
Read the stories featured in the third edition of InterGlobix Magazine. The Cover Story focuses spotlight on Marc Ganzi, who perfectly balances many roles as a leading global investor, owner of mobile and Internet infrastructure companies, and a prolific polo player.

Issue 3
Internet Ecosystem Innovation Committee (IEIC) Frank Nazzaro, Freddie Mac
Would you call Freddie Mac a data company? Tell us about some of the data-centric initiatives that your organization has undertaken. At Freddie Mac, data is the heart and soul
Dr. Ken Washington, FORD Intro: INDUSTRY: Automobile
Would you call Ford a data company? Tell us about some of the data-centric initiatives that your company has undertaken. Ford is a global mobility company with an aspiration to
The Capital Chasing the Digital Infrastructure Asset Class
To the telecoms world, geopolitics mean issues and restrictions that can cause headaches and sleepless nights. While much attention is paid to untrustworthy equipment vendors and suspicious cable projects, little
Marc Ganzi
Marc Ganzi is CEO of Digital Colony, Co-Founder and CEO of Digital Bridge, and CEO-Elect of Colony Capital, Inc. (NYSE: CLNY)
Steven M. Sonnenstein
Steven M. Sonnenstein is a Managing Director at Digital Colony and Digital Bridge. He is responsible for the identification, evaluation, and management of new digital infrastructure investments.
Ben Jenkins
Ben Jenkins is the Chief Investment Officer of Digital Colony and Co-Founder and Chairman of Digital Bridge
More from Interglobix
Warren Roll
Warren Roll is a Managing Director at Digital Colony and Digital Bridge where he leads the firms’ small cells and fiber investments globally. He has more than 20 years of experience in global private equity and infrastructure investing.
Jon Mauck
Jon Mauck is a Managing Director at Digital Colony and Digital Bridge
where he leads data center investments globally
Jeff Ginsberg
Jeff Ginsberg is COO of and a Managing Director at Digital Colony and Digital Bridge. In addition to assisting in executing transactions, he oversees the firms’ legal, tax, finance, administration, ESG, diversity, compliance, and marketing initiatives.
Canada to USA through Lake Ontario
IG Magazine’s Editor-in-Chief Jasmine Bedi speaks to Mike Cunningham, founder and CEO of Crosslake Fibre, and discovers how the first submarine cable under Lake Ontario has connected Toronto to Buffalo
Connecting 1 Billion Customers
Why is everybody talking about Africa, and its present as well as proposed connectivity? Eckhard Bruckshen investigates, one coast after another. Each week during the past year, submarine cables connecting
The Capital Chasing the Digital Infrastructure Asset Class
Each morning you can read about yet another newly announced institutional and foreign investor diversifying its portfolio into data centers and digital infrastructure assets in the US and around the
The SDN Fabric of Cloud and Interconnection
Hybrid IT is driving new demands for faster, high-performance data center interconnection (DCI). Enterprises are running a large volume of IT workloads in the cloud, combined with mission-critical applications and
Edge Compute IPOs are here, signaling future demand for datacenter capacity
Tech IPOs have been headlining financial news in 2019, but not always for good reasons. Uber and Lyft have both been on a downward slide since their IPO debut, as
Carrier hotels, a strategic asset in the data center industry
As America embraces digital business, connectivity is the ultimate long-term play. That’s why carrier hotels have become strategic assets in the data center industry, and the focus of investment and
The New Software-Defined Data Center
Bottom line, data centers need to drive options for customers that go against the last two decades of thinking. Software-Defined is the future.