Building on the success of the 2020 PTC Webinar Series: Frictionless Business™, PTC is continuing the series through November 2021, sponsored by PCCW Global. The first session, Putting the Edge to Work, featured Joe Weinman and panelists spanning the globe, discussing the confluence of global networks, cloud and edge computing, 5G, and intelligent distributed applications such as smart cities, supply chain optimization, and connected autonomous vehicles.
In March, the second session, Satellite Reset: The Industry Transformed, was completed. Moderated by Katherine Gizinski, CEO of ManSat LLC, the panel discussed the changes already underway in the satellite industry before the COVID-19 pandemic and what the industry will look like as the world moves to a new normal.
In April, APTelecom CEO Eric Handa will lead Converged Connectivity and Future Business Models, covering how technology and telecom are at the center of convergence for all sectors, actively continuing to invest in expansion to enable digital transformation. The panel will feature Bob Brumley, CEO for Laser Light Communications; Janet Hernandez, president of Telecommunications Management Group (TMG); Claire Kwok, director, APAC, Data Center Solutions for CBRE; George Tronsrue, CEO at Quintillion; and Darren Yong, head, TMT, Asia Pacific for KPMG.
“We are very proud to sponsor the 2021 PTC Webinar Series: Frictionless Business™,” said PCCW Global CEO Marc Halbfinger. “We strongly believe in the PTC platform and values, and its ability to bring together thought leaders from the industry, from academia, and from regulatory environments to assure the broadest perspective on the topics that are critically important to the rapidly evolving ICT community.”
Held on the second or third Wednesday of each month, the series will provide leaders, investors, analysts, technologists, academics, and others guidance on new trends and priorities.
Industry players will share perspectives ranging from digital transformation, organizational leadership, and investment outlooks to rapidly evolving technologies, such as AI and blockchain. These sessions will weave today’s key challenges with breakthrough ideas and emerging innovations.
“I’m looking forward to these webinars as a new and exciting initiative for PTC to showcase our members and colleagues in the industry to share their valued content,” said Sharon Nakama, CEO of PTC.
Jamie Hartman coordinates PTC’s Annual Conference program participant proposal process, the PTC Awards, and PTC Webinar Series: Frictionless Business™.