Transforming Safety With Technology

Propelling India’s vision to be a global data center hub

India holds great promise for data center industry, especially given that it accounts for approximately 17 percent of the world’s population but just ~1.5 percent of global data center capacity. Capitalizing on the significant arbitrage, India needs to upgrade its infrastructure base more than 10 times in the coming years. This offers a significant opportunity for India to leapfrog into a sustainable data center ecosystem by leveraging the most impactful and emerging technologies.

Rich with decades of experience in building multiple megastructures across diverse sectors in India, combined with global experience in scaling data centers, AdaniConneX brings a unique perspective on delivering digital infrastructure that is underpinned by our understanding of local cultural nuances and global best practices.

Sanjay Bhutani, Joint President and Chief Business Officer, AdaniConneX

As India enters this long-term CAPEX building cycle, it learns from the best in the world and re-purposes to deliver new benchmarks. As we scale our deployments in India, fostering a safety-centric culture has become a necessity for each one of us. All our conversations start with an emphasis on safety. All our actions begin with safety in mind. It’s a commitment backed by significant investments in people, process, and technology, with a single goal to establish modern construction sites that are efficient and inherently safer.

With a focus on innovation, we have introduced a suite of groundbreaking tools and systems meant to improve safety, efficiency, and collaboration on data center construction sites. These investments are setting new benchmarks for safety excellence by redefining conventional mechanisms around safety monitoring, training, and deployment.

AI-Based Safety Analytics Tool

AI-Based Safety Analytics Tool

We have introduced a one-of-its-kind, purpose-built AI-based safety analytics tool trained with eight safety categories and in more than one hundred scenarios on a custom neural network model for data center construction sites. This tool ensures real-time monitoring and identification of safety noncompliance across functional zones with 24×7 automated monitoring cameras, activating real-time ground response.

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